NNPA NEWSWIRE — Keep babies’ cribs free of stuffed animals and blankets. A firm mattress covered with a tight-fitting crib sheet is all that an infant...
So far in Alameda County, there were 99,681 recorded COVID-19 cases, more than 2,500 more cases than last week, and 1,291 COVID deaths.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — "In 2002, the hosts were cats. Then for MERS, the host was camels," noted Dr. James Hildreth the president of Meharry Medical College....
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “If we want to make the world safe from outbreaks… particularly for those most vulnerable, then we need to find a way to...
THE PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE — Did you know there are over 65,000 known germs, but only about 1,400 cause disease? The four major types of germs are...
DALLAS POST TRIBUNE — Your throat is scratchy, you’re achy and feverish, your cough is keeping you up at night, but you can’t afford to miss...
Washington (ArabNews) – A new and inexpensive test is making it possible to identify all of a person’s past and present viral infections by simply...