Despite providing educational and employment programs and reentry pathways, recidivism in California prisons remains high, derailing the rehabilitative mission of the California Department of Corrections and...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The official launch of Denny’s Community Alliance took place at a press conference at the St. Thomas University Benjamin L. Crump College of...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — The United States is the only member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that does not require workplaces to provide paid family...
A.I. floodgates opened into the mainstream of human consumption late last year with the release of the generative A.I. ChatGPT, which uses natural language procession to...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — In 1988, Operation Ranch Hand scientist and Air Force researcher Dr. James Clary wrote to Senator Tom Daschle that “when we initiated the...
When she returned to school to become a nurse, Karina Mendez wanted a work-study job that she could balance with classes at City College of San...
Each year the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) shines a light on California’s investor-owned utilities’ efforts to boost local economies through working and spending with diverse...
The Measure W geographic boundaries include all of coastal West Marin from Muir Beach to Dillon Beach and inland communities including Nicasio and the San Geronimo...
“Childcare keeps Alameda County working, and these awards are one step to supporting equity and social justice in a field where the workforce is held predominantly...
As in past drought years, the resiliency of local farmers, ranchers, and their workforce was noted in the annual report. The lingering COVID-19 pandemic required agricultural...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — William Spriggs, a professor in Howard University’s Economics Department and an economist for AFL-CIO, cautioned that the government’s job numbers shouldn’t frighten anyone....
Covering topics ranging from wellbeing, self-confidence, and lessons learned, webinars can be attended individually or as part of the series. Attendees will hear from guest speakers,...
In July 2021, when San Francisco established a November 1 deadline for all employees to be vaccinated, the rate of employee vaccination was 66%. In the...
Proposition 68 will also enhance river parkways, protect coastal forests and wetlands, and fund outdoor access, lower-cost coastal accommodations, and climate adaptation.
During these times of economic hardship jobs are especially needed more than ever before. We must be more understanding and supportive to the task at hand...
Mayor London N. Breed and the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) announced the expansion of CityBuild, a nationally recognized construction training program that provides...
In 2022, the voters of Oakland will have an opportunity to elect the next mayor for our city. The Mayor of Oakland is the head of...
To meet the increasing demand for advanced leadership in the field of nursing and healthcare, Holy Names University is proud to announce the launch of its Doctor...
The group is asking that the city “address delineate grave concerns centered on disparities that plague contracting opportunities for Black, minority and women-owned businesses. Further, request...
Just in case Black businesses in the state are not aware, the California Legislature recently passed the $100 billion California Comeback Plan. It is the biggest...
Blackwell, who is African American, accuses Ma of inappropriate behavior, including revealing her bare posterior on more than one occasion. San Francisco’s attorney Waukeen McCoy filed...
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created a childcare crisis on top of a public health crisis. Child-care providers are almost entirely women and 40% are people of color. Providing...
NNPA NEWSWIRE — I grew up in a family business and was accustomed to working for long hours at my desk. I had an innate discipline...
When the words “Black Panther” are used, in recent memory, many people connect this with the recent blockbuster movie that was set in the fictional African...
San Francisco´s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) released its sixth annual report on the Mandatory Local Hiring Policy for Construction. The annual report, submitted...